Elezioni USA 2020
17 novembre 2020 Perche' il meeting del Grande Reset di Davos a gennaio è stato rimandato? La prima volta in 50 anni. Perche' il meeting del Grande Reset di Davos a gennaio e' stato rimandato? La prima volta in 50 anni. Il "Great Reset" caduto da cavallo? Davos rimandato... e ri-locato Qualcosa si è inceppato? Doveva essere la fine del lungo processo di distruzione progressiva di ogni resistenza della popolazione. Doveva essere l'inaugurazione del Great Reset - il Grande Riazzeramento della civiltà' umana. Invece. viene annunciato in fretta e furia il posponimento a Maggio e la scelta di un'an diversa sede, Bürgenstock, sempre in Svizzera, ma sul Lago di Lucerna. Perche'? Cosa e' andato storto? L'incontro di Gennaio era stato annunciato a giugno It came as a big surprise to everyone in Davos – The World Economic Forum (WEF). Yes, the WEF 2021 will be hosted at Bürgenstock, 500 meters above Lake Lucerne in Switzerland. The hoteliers were informed by letter of this upcoming global event. About 2 weeks ago, it was announced that the World Economic Forum, which normally takes place in Davos in January (for 50 years), will change its location and timing next year. In addition to Bürgenstock, Switzerland’s Ticino was also discussed as an alternative venue. Last week, the organizers of the World Economic Forum In its statement announcing the planned move to Lake Lucerne, the WEF Forum acknowledged the continued uncertainty over whether COVID-19 will have abated sufficiently for its planned discussions to happen on “The Great Reset.” A statement read: “The meeting will take place as long as all conditions are in place to guarantee the health and safety of participants and the host community.” (...) Cosa
e' andato storto? l'incontro di gennaio a Davos era stato annunciato a
Giugno, quando i grandi oligarchi pensavano che sarebbe stato tutto
sistemato. La popolazione fiaccata, Trump sconfitto e quindi non serviva
piu' lo spauracchio del Covid. Invece... Vedi cosa dicano lor signori nel giorno 2020: https://www.weforum.org/press/ In June 3, 2020, as a consequence of the “global health crisis”, the World Economic Forum WEF in Geneva announced a “unique twin summit” for January 2021 in Davos, Switzerland.(1) The theme should be “The Great Reset”. The WEF defines the “Great Reset” as “a commitment to jointly and urgently create the foundations of our economic and social system for a fairer, more sustainable and resilient future”.World leaders from government, business and civil society will be invited. In a dialogue conducted by the younger generation, they are to be virtually linked with “stakeholders” worldwide. These are individuals and interest groups with a network in 400 cities around the world who have a legitimate interest in the course and outcome of the summit. All announcements sound promising and promise a bright future. The WEF press release continues:
In addition to the great promises, there are also euphonious names. Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva already wrote a statement to the World Economic Forum on the day of the summit announcement.
Even the founder and chairman of the World Economic Forum himself felt called upon to make his own statement on the very day of the announcement. Under the headline “Now is the time for a ‘big reset'” and the subtitle “In every crisis there is a chance” Klaus Schwab writes:
The creator of the words and ideas for the “Great Reset” is probably the bestselling author and economic development expert Richard Florida with his book “The Great Reset. How New Ways of Living and Working Drive Post-Crash Prosperity”. If one delves into the WEF’s press release and the statements published on it – which is urgently recommended to everyone interested – then some urgent questions arise for the critical contemporary. For example, the question into which state our economic and social system should be “reset” and restarted after the unprecedented economic and social total crash. Then there is the question of what can be expected from a “return agenda” that will be formulated and implemented by the same global government and economic leaders who deliberately caused the current crash. But the cardinal question is: will the announced “Great New Start” be a blessing for humanity or rather a curse? The answer to this question should be found out by proven experts – even before the participants of the twin summit in January 2021 get down to work and draft an agenda whose implementation will not be good for humanity. We should be able to prepare ourselves to prevent the worst. If we think of the current crime against humanity, which has been unleashed worldwide by the “Big Money”, the globalists, foundations, Big Pharma and the WHO on the occasion of the “global corona false alarm”, together with the hypocritical promises of salvation of the kabbalistic World Economic Forum and the predatory International Monetary Fund, then we cannot assume a de-globalization and a turning away from inhuman neoliberalism. The ruling “elite” will use the meeting in Davos to further advance the global control of us citizens by destroying nation states. And this will be a great danger for humanity, which we can only fend off together. ... |