Elezioni USA 2020
10 novembre 2020 2020 Election: sta per cominciare il "vero" conteggio dei voti Questa è la Cnn - le fake news. Ma guarda cosa sono costretti a riportare. La gente non ha dubbi: è una frode elettorale organizzata con l’aiuto dei Media. FP MAP UPDATE (Nov. 9, 2020) This map is updated as legal challenges and recounts are resolved or new ones are announced. For states where lawsuits, recounts, or other challenges are pending, the state is not designated to a specific candidate but rather marked gray. The Status of Michigan and Nevada were updated to contested as a result of the Nov. 9, 2020, update (see details below). The Epoch Times will not declare a winner of the 2020 presidential election until all results are certified and any legal challenges are resolved. Read more here. OVERVIEW OF LAWSUITS & RECOUNTS: Wisconsin Nov. 4, 2020: Trump campaign requested a recount in Wisconsin. Michigan Nov. 9, 2020: A lawsuit alleges that Michigan poll workers were told to backdate ballots and not verify signatures. Jessy Jacob, a city of Detroit employee, signed an affidavit saying she was instructed to backdate mail ballots and not to look for any deficiencies with the ballots. Pennsylvania Nov. 6, 2020: U.S. Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito issued a temporary order requiring Pennsylvania to segregate ballots that arrived after Election Day. Nov. 4, 2020: Trump campaign filed a lawsuit in Pennsylvania to halt vote counting until Republican observers are granted adequate access. Update: A Pennsylvania appellate court on Nov. 5 ruled in favor the Trump campaign. Election officials appealed the decision to the state Supreme Court. Nov. 5, 2020: The Trump campaign sued Philadelphia County’s Board of Elections to seek an emergency injunction to stop ballot counting in Philadelphia. Update: A federal judge denied the emergency request from the Trump campaign on Nov. 5. Nov. 4, 2020: Trump campaign intervened in a Supreme Court challenge to Pennsylvania's deadline extension for late-arriving mail-in ballots. Nov. 4, 2020: Trump campaign filed a lawsuit challenging a court-ordered deadline extension for first-time voters who need to fulfill a missing-identification requirement. Georgia Nov. 6, 2020: Georgia’s secretary of state announced the state will have a recount. Nov. 4, 2020: The Trump campaign and the Georgia Republican Party filed a lawsuit in Georgia alleging absentee ballots are improperly counted after the state's deadline. Update: A judge in Georgia on Nov. 5 dismissed the lawsuit. Arizona Nov. 7, 2020: The Trump campaign and the RNC filed a lawsuit over rejected votes in Maricopa County. The lawsuit alleges in-person votes were disregarded as a result of improper guidance provided by poll workers. Nov. 5, 2020: The Trump campaign and RNC asked an Arizona judge to let them join a lawsuit that alleges vote tabulation equipment in metro Phoenix was unable to record a voter’s ballot because she completed it with a county-issued Sharpie pen. Update: Attorneys who challenged the use of the markers told the court on Nov. 7 they're dismissing their legal challenge. Nevada Nov. 8, 2020: The Trump campaign described a sworn affidavit from a whistleblower in Nevada who alleges to have witnessed people inside a Biden-Harris van opening, filling out, and resealing mail ballots. Nov. 6, 2020: The Nevada Republican Party announced that its lawyers have sent Attorney General William Barr a criminal referral alleging at least 3,062 cases of voter fraud in the state. Nov. 5, 2020: The Trump campaign backs two cases in Nevada that sought to change signature verification procedures used for processing ballots and expanded access for Republican poll watchers in Clark County, Nevada. Update: On Nov. 6, a federal judge denied the request for changes to signature verification and a District Judge rejected the lawsuit seeking expanded access to poll watchers. Michigan Nov. 4, 2020: Trump campaign filed a lawsuit in Michigan to halt vote counting until Republican observers are granted adequate access. Update: A Michigan judge denied the request by the Trump campaign on Nov. 5, 2020 >>>articolo originale online>>> ... |